“What matters is: where are the *real* relationships?”

(From Seth's Blog: 'Four videos about noise, social and decency')

In this short video, Seth Godin explains when social networking does or doesn't matter:

01:22: "(…) networking is always important when it's real, and it's always a useless distraction when it's fake (…)"

01:46: "(…) are there people out there whom I would go out of my way for and who would go out of their way for me? That's what you need to keep track of. And the way you get there is by going out of your way for them; and by earning that privilege of one day having that connection be worthwhile. (…)"


Forcing yourself to become part of the conversation

(From Seth's Blog: 'Four videos about noise, social and decency')

Best quote from Seth Godin in this short video on (micro?)blogging, starting at 00:44:

"(…) basically you are doing it for yourself to force yourself to become part of the conversation even if it's just that big (i.e. small – JS). (…)"
